Discussion on ACS and ACM
Australian Computer Society (ACS) is part of Society regulation which is regulated by all the members who work in information and communication technology (ICT) all over Australia. And Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the professional Code of ethics that applies to all computing professionals, teachers, scholars, including current and aspiring practitioners, influencers, and anyone who uses computing technology in an impactful way globally (ACM, 2018).
According to the ACM in section 1.1, it safeguards the fundamental human rights of the individual and promotes everyone to use their skills for the benefits of the society and environmental sustainability both globally and locally whereas ACS in section 1.2.2 promotes the quality of life and ensures the well being of disable or disadvantageous people particularly. Also, it asks its members to protect and promote those individuals affected by their work.
ACM in Section 1.2 talks about avoiding harm in the meaning that all the ICT individuals should minimize the internal or external harms to others. All individuals are asked to follow best practices to safeguard others and in situations of risk “Blow the whistle” if leaders don’t act to reduce harm whereas ACS in section 1.2.1 says that public interest should be precedence’s over the personal, private and sectional interest. It also addresses the preservation of confidentiality of others along with the integrity, security of ICT (ACS, 2014).
ACM in section 1.3 says no individuals should misrepresent the organization policy and should not speak on the behalf of the organization unless permitted to whereas ACS in section 1.2.3 says should not attempt to enhance the owner’s reputation on the expenses of others.
ACM in section 1.5 discusses the topic surrounding the respect of a trademark, patent, Copywrite and promotes individuals not to claim private ownership on the shared public resources whereas ACS in section 1.2.4 talks about the competence and asks all the individuals to recognize the limits of their skills to reduce the harm to society but doesn’t limit their creativity or new ideas.
ACS in section 1.2.6 says individuals are essential to distance themselves professionally from someone whose membership of the ACS has been terminated because of unethical conduct or unsatisfactory behavior whereas ACM involves the discussion of involvement in some training programs that may involve discipline, but not very clear.
ACM 1.7 says to respect the privacy of others (Don Gotterbarn, 2018), and ACM 1.4 talks about principles of equal justice and respect for others whereas ACS 1.2.2.d says individuals must attempt to increase the feelings of personal satisfaction, control of those affected by my work and competence.
In a Nutshell
From the detailed analysis of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and Australian Computer Society (ACS) are:
ACM discusses the Environment whereas ACS doesn’t discuss the Environment in the code of Ethics rather talks about the people and their Well-being, also ACM discusses the ‘Whistle Blowing ‘if the leaders act in the favour of harm whereas there is nothing mentioned about whistleblowing in the ACS. ACS has promoted society’s interest above its own. However, there is no option or mechanism provided in the case of the international conflict except by law or nationalism. Besides these most of the area and topics are covered in both codes of ethics.
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