
Pomagtor Explains How To Select Pogo Pins

The correct material for the Pogo Pin is critical in intelligent equipment; here are some things to consider while selecting a Pogo Pin model.

  1. Making plans for Pogo Pin work

When selecting a Pogo Pin, consider the product’s indoor area and how it will fit into the work schedule. If the indoor space is too tiny, the Pogo Pin’s spring will shrink too much, reducing its life. If the indoor space is too large, the Pogo Pin’s spring will shrink too little, reducing its life. If the touch is too large, it will be delayed, resulting in imbalanced characteristic impedance and a sudden stop.

  1. Plating materials

Electroplating materials make Pogo Pins more conductive, prevent air from oxidizing them, and reduce wear and tear. However, the impacts of various raw materials differ. Because gold is a good conductor, it is commonly used in the electroplating process for high-current RF connectors and their products with high characteristic impedance.

  1. What harm does the layer formed during the electroplating process cause?

It would help if you frequently touched the Pogo Pin during work, which will cause damage after a specific amount of friction time. The thickness of the electroplating film will also significantly impact how long the result will endure. After a given amount of use, for example, the electroplating process layer will be damaged. It will deteriorate, causing the resistor to become overly large and unstable with the characteristic impedance. For example, the electroplating process layer on the 100,000-time Pogo Pin is thicker than on the 10,000-time Pogo Pin. As a result, while selecting a product model, it is best to base the electroplating process rules on the demands.

  1. The Dangers of Flexibility

The internal elastic force provides the contact force of the Pogo Pin. The amount of the elastic spring force might quickly impair the characteristic impedance of the Pogo Pin. If the elasticity is too high, it will increase frictional resistance and limit the life of the Pogo Pin.

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